
It Starts With ME! is about creating a community where every person lives a healthy, safe and happy life.

It Starts With ME! is a non-profit 501 (c)(3), charitable organization established upon the belief that in order to make a difference in this world it first must start with me (or you or anyone of us). This nonprofit organization enhances the lives of children and families by contributing its time, services and money to donate items such as clothing, furniture, books, toys, food, etc. through fundraising, volunteering and charity events (either directly or through other charitable organizations). Barbara Bush once said, “Some people give time, some money, some their skill and connections, some literally give their life’s blood. But everyone has something to give.” This is what It Starts With ME! is all about.

It Starts With ME! is about creating a community where every person lives a healthy, safe and happy life. To make this vision a reality, I’ve made it my mission to build awareness and strengthen our community by bringing people together to donate their time, services and money to help those in need. I want It Starts With ME! to motivate others to get involved and serve as an example of how easy and satisfying it is to make a difference.